Game of Thrones S5 Ep5 “Kill the Boy” Post Episode Recap and Review
Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 5 “Kill the Boy” Post Episode Recap and Review
GOT S5 Ep5 Kill the Boy, May 10, 2015: Phil, Joe and Kate The crow talk about this weeks #GOT Kill the Boy when Dany makes a difficult decision in Meereen. Jon Snow recruits the help of an unexpected ally. Brienne searches for Sansa. Theon remains under Ramsay’s control And yes that is right- it looks like Tyrion Lannister sees a Dragon! We also take your #GameofThrones comments and question.
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Did anyone notice that Maester Aemon Targaryen secluded himself “being ill” the time while Stannis Baratheon and his hot pet witch were there?!
05/11/2015issuesPhil / Author
Very interesting i wonder if he felt some sort connection or uncomfortably for being around someone with “red ” power. I would of loved to see Aemon interact with Mel
Well, there is no love between Targaryens and Baratheon Families. The last time they were in the same place there were fewer white-headed nobles. Also, Aemon likely shook off his ghostmaker long ago and wanted to avoid any embarrassment. Still, I’d skip eating and drinking for a while too.
P.S. Tell Joe “Dragons Milk” is the best.
05/11/2015issuesPhil / Author
I would of loved to see some Targaryen and Baratheon interaction and we were very close or we saw it if you believe some fan theories . I really hope Nothing happens to Aemon love him so much! And I will def tell joe. I am stuck on the 3 eyed raven so yummy
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